Call for abstracts

The 7th International Congress of the SFPS aims to bring together researchers and practitioners to discuss issues of experience, performance support and resilience. The aim is to strengthen the understanding of experience in and for performance support, to shed light on resilience processes by studying the experience of practitioners, to support performance by promoting resilience processes. However, the congress remains open to all cutting-edge current work in sport psychology.

Several types of contribution are possible: Symposium, Oral, Poster, Workshop/Workshop.
All proposals will be evaluated by the scientific committee, whether they are based on research or practical innovations.

Submissions should be made directly on the website under the heading "Submit a paper". To submit, please use the file template corresponding to the type of contribution (see below)

Each symposium will have a duration of 1h30. Depending on its objectives, it may consist of 3 or 4 different contributions. The same symposium may include contributions from research and practical innovations. In this case, please indicate this by ticking both boxes in the form.
To submit a symposium, please use the file provided for this purpose. The first page is dedicated to the presentation of the symposium and the following pages to the oral communications which compose it.
Submit a symposium

Oral presentations may include contributions from research or practical innovations. For research work, specify the problematic, the method, the results. For practical innovations, describe the system implemented, the public concerned, its innovative character and its effects. The duration of an oral communication will be 12 minutes followed by 8 minutes of questions.
Submit an oral presentation

Posters may present contributions from research or practical innovations. For research work, specify the problematic, the method, the results. For practical innovations, describe the system implemented, the public concerned, its innovative character and its effects. The posters will be presented during dedicated 30-minute sessions. Each author will be invited, twice, to present his or her proposal in 5 minutes, followed by 10 minutes of discussion.
Submit a poster

Each workshop will last 1h30. It can be either scientific or practical. It will be necessary to specify the object, the stakes and the working methods envisaged.
Submit a workshop

The deadline for submission of proposals is 28 March 2022

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