Tuesday 21st June
12:00: Welcome of the participants
14:00-15.00: Welcoming speeches
15:00-16:30: Keynote by Tatiana V.Ryba “Feminisation of a dual career: Informal learning in a glocal context”
16:30: Coffee break
17:00-18:30: Public conference by Sébastien Delpirou et Stéphance Quittet : "Comment accompagner la performance sportive de haut niveau ?"
19:00: Welcome party, City hall of Vichy
Wednesday 22nd June
8:15: Welcome
8:30-10:00: Keynote by Denis Hauw “Psychological trauma in high-level sport: Support for resilience through the work of experience”
10:00: Coffee break
10h30-12h30 : Symposium : The cultural praxis of athlete careers: (Un)marginalizing female voices in career development research -Saarinen, M., & Ryba, T.V. Symposium : Activité, expérience et modalités d’accompagnement de la performance en football - Récopé, M. Session de communications orales : Faire face à des contraintes, des imprévus ou des blessures
12:30: Lunch
13h30-14h00 : Poster session
14h15-16h15: Symposium : 360 video : a new tool for training and manage sport's performance ? - Roche, L., Rolland, C., Cunningham, I. Symposium : Dopage et sport - Corrion, K. Session de communications orales : Expérience, intelligence, régulation émotionnelles Work-shop : Préparation mentale : métier et développement professionnel - Serres, G., Boyer, S., Castell-Niell, F.
16:15: Coffee break
16:45-18:15: Conference-discussion by Jean-Philippe Lachaux & Franck Badiou : "Identifier ses cibles expertes : une clef pour la concentration"
18:30: General assembly of the French Society of Sport Psychology
19:00: Cultural visits of Vichy (19th century architecture, second empire, “art déco”, etc.)
Thursday 23rd June
8:15: Welcome
8h30-10h30 : Symposium : Emerging issues in sport officials’ development: Social inclusion, performance support, and technology use - Cunningham, I. Symposium : De la résilience à la blessure : préservation vs. épuisement des ressources chez le sportif - d'Arripe-Longueville, F. Session de communications orales : Expérience, activité, perception
10:30: Coffee break
11h-12h30 : Oral communications : Performance supports and training Session de communications orales : Attention, perception, intégration de l’information Work-shop : Préparation mentale : métier et développement professionnel - Serres, G., Boyer, S., Castell-Niell, F.
12h30: Lunch
13:30-15:00: Keynote by David Fletcher: “Preparing for Paris 2024: developing resilient athletes and teams for Olympic competition”
15:00: Coffee break
15h30-17h : Oral communications : Performance optimization Session de communications orales : Préparation et imagerie mentales Session de communications orales : Du patient aux soignants : co-production de la santé
17:15: Nautical activities: what about kayaking on the lake...
19:30: Gala dinner at the tennis sporting
Friday 24th June
8:30: Welcome
9:00-10:30: Keynote by Amy Baltzell: “Mindfulness+ and Sustainable High-Level Performance in Sport”
10:30: Coffee break
11:00-12:00 : Conclusion: Synthesis of the workshops - Young researcher award - Closing